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Pivoting to the perpetrator: How to engage with patients who use domestic violence

Wednesday, December 7th 2022
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This workshop is for GPs and other primary care providers to enhance your confidence to respond safely and sensitively to disclosures of using domestic violence. GP-led, this session will cover how to consider the whole family when working with people who use violence and how to access appropriate referral pathways.

Presented by:
Deepthi Iyer - GP, Safer Families Centre, University of Melbourne, and
Stephen Walton - Team Leader, Men’s Domestic and Family Violence Interventions, Education Centre Against Violence

GPs can attain 3 CPD points for attending this session and 2 CPD points for the e-learning module completed prior to attending. OR contact us to find out more about how to acquire 40 CPD points in this triennium or a similar activity applicable to the new triennium commencing 2023.


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