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Practical tips: How to incorporate shingles discussions with patients aged ≥50 years old

Wednesday, March 22nd 2023
7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

​Hear from a fellow GP, Dr Charlotte Hespe, as she discusses some common barriers to proactively incorporating shingles prevention discussion in your practice and provides helpful tips and tools to support you in starting the conversation with your patients.

The presentation will be followed by a Q&A.

Learning Objectives:

Discuss the impact of shingles on patients and identify who is at risk, Examine the clinical profile of SHINGRIX, Develop strategies to incorporate shingles discussions in your practice


Charlotte Hespe Associate Professor - is a GP and Practice Owner in Glebe. She also works as Head of GP and Primary Care Research for UNDA. Charlotte is Chair, NSW/ACT Faculty Council RACGP. She has submitted a PhD on Implementation of Best Practice guidelines in the real world of Australian General Practice – using cardiovascular disease preventive care as the topic for the opportunity to improve.

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