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Privacy Training Webinar - for Health Service Providers

Starts: Tuesday, December 21st 2021 at 9:30 AM
Ends: Wednesday, December 22nd 2021 at 12:30 PM
$765.00 + GST (Group discounts - 2 persons - 5%; 3 persons - 7.5%; 4 + persons - 10%)

This webinar provides intensive privacy training for health service providers on requirements regarding the handling of personal information under the Commonwealth Privacy Act's Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). The course provides industry-specific training, addressing obligations and scenarios specifically in the context of health services.

It equips participants with a detailed understanding of:

- legal requirements regarding managing personal information under the APPs;

- how to apply the laws in practical situations; and

- how to identify and manage privacy risks and incidents.

The course is held across 2 x 3 hr webinars (6 hrs total) on consecutive days. Participants are able to communicate with the facilitator by voice or text throughout the webinar in order to ask questions and discuss issues. Participant numbers are restricted to ensure optimal class sizes for learning and interaction.

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