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Reproductive options for mitochondrial disease – Mitochondrial Donation and beyond

Tuesday, July 19th 2022
7:00 PM - 7:30 PM

GPs are pivotal in diagnosing and managing mitochondrial disease (mito) patients. In response to requests for ongoing education, the Mito Foundation are delighted to launch a dedicated GP webinar series.

Join Professor David Thorburn for the first webinar as he takes a closer look at mitochondrial donation and other reproductive options designed to support conversations involving your patients’ family planning. Prof Thorburn will briefly revisit mitochondrial disease genetics before discussing prenatal diagnosis, preimplantation genetic testing, donor conception and mitochondrial donation.

Register now for the opportunity to submit your clinical question. Join us live for an interactive discussion or receive the link to the recording after the event. Prof Thorburn will present for approximately 20 minutes, followed by an interactive Q&A. On average, 10 out of every 2,000 patients seen at a general practice have mitochondrial DNA mutations, which may lead to mitochondrial disease or disease involving mitochondrial dysfunction.

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