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Sexual Assault in LGBTQ Communities eLearning

Starts: Wednesday, May 26th 2021 at 12:00 AM
Ends: Friday, December 31st 2021 at 8:30 AM
ACON Pride Training’s Sexual Assault in LGBTQ Communities eLearning is a quick and easy way to increase your knowledge, skills and confidence when working with LGBTQ people. This eLearning was co-designed with health and wellbeing service providers and LGBTQ community members affected by sexual assault. It will cover a range of areas to broadening your understanding of LGBTQ people and communities so that you can not only a better ally but also more inclusive in your work, services, and programs. These modules allow for access anytime and ability to start and stop as necessary. Video testimonials deliver personal stories and experiences directly from members of the community, helping to build your empathy and understanding as you compare them to your own lived experiences with gender, sexuality and bias. Funding for this project came from NSW Government.
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