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Staying Connected When Emotions Run High Professionals Workshop

Monday, July 17th 2023
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Early bird registration is $99 per person. Registrations received after 2 June 2023 will be $121 per person. Registration and completed payment prior to attending the session is essential. Booking queries can be addressed to Lea McLaren, A/Community Clinical Support Officer, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Tel (02) 4925 7917 Email:
The Staying Connected when Emotions Run High (professionals’ workshop) is coming to Narrabri on Monday 17 July 2023. The professional’s training workshop is for those working in the private and public sector across health, education, disability, community services, child protection and emergency services. This full day workshop introduces professionals to the Staying Connected Framework and Strategies. The participants will be invited to think about how they might utilise the strategies in their professional roles and how they can coach and support families, carers and clients. The Staying Connected framework includes a set of five key strategies empowering others to be a resource to any person from 12yrs – 100yrs experiencing symptoms of distress. Through learning about the typical relationship patterns, “fear and worry dances”, which instinctively activate between closely connected humans in distress, the workshop highlights alternative strategies for a “good enough dance”, which is “contagious with calm”. Safety planning “like a fire drill” is another key component of the intervention. The training includes audiovisual material and interactive activities to support the application of these strategies in practice. The session will be delivered by Dr Annemaree Bickerton (Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist) and Toni Garretty (Senior Social Worker and Clinical Coordinator).
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