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Staying Connected When Emotions Run High - Workshop for Family/Friends/Carers

Thursday, October 26th 2023
9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

The renowned 'Staying Connected' workshop for Family/Friends/Carers is an intervention to provide carers with additional communication skills to support someone (aged 12 and over) who experiences any of the following: has relationship difficulties; demonstrates changing emotions and strong overwhelming feelings that can make communication difficult; sometimes behaves in a way that makes them a danger to themselves or others. These symptoms may be experienced in those with mental health issues, drug and alcohol dependence, developmental and learning disorders. Delivered by Dr Annemaree Bickerton (Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist) and Toni Garretty (Clinical Coordinator, Family Carer Mental Health Program) this workshop is offered free of cost to carers.

NB. A Staying Connected workshop for professionals / service providers (including those employed as carers) is being held on Wednesday 25th October, Armidale. For further information, including registration costs, please visit:

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