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Staying Connected When Emotions Run High - Workshop for Professionals / Service Providers

Wednesday, October 25th 2023
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Individual registration: Early bird registration is $99 per person, and registrations received after 22nd September 2023 are $121 per person. Registration for HNELHD staff is $50 per person, including staff from HNEMHS Adult ($50 pp) and CAMHS (free registration) services.

The renowned 'Staying Connected' workshop will introduce professionals to frameworks and relationship strategies to become a resource to someone who has changeable and overwhelming emotions; who displays impulsive or destructive behaviour; or is diagnosed with marked emotional dysregulation (including personality disorder). This training is for those working with adults and youth in private and public sector across health, education, disability, community services, child protection and emergency services. Delivered by Dr Annemaree Bickerton (Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist) and Toni Garretty (Clinical Coordinator, Family Carer Mental Health Program), it is a great opportunity to access face to face training delivered by experts in the field of mental health (there is no online option due to the nature of the content and the delivery style).

Individual registration: Early bird registration is $99 per person, and registrations received after 22nd September 2023 are $121 per person. Registration for HNELHD staff is $50 per person, including staff from HNEMHS Adult ($50 pp) and CAMHS (free registration) services.

Group registration: Group bookings are now being offered for organisations / workplaces with groups of 5 or more attendees, at a discounted rate of $80 per person (one payment, one form please).
NB. For families/friends/carers, an intervention workshop will be offered free of cost on Thursday 26th October, Armidale.

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