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Stop Male Suicide in Older Men

Friday, April 23rd 2021
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Stop Male Suicide is working with Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network to identify the best ways to prevent suicide in older men. We want to give local people, who may come into contact with older men, the tools they need to start conversations that could save men’s lives.

ONLINE CONFERENCE- Register today for our FREE conference on Preventing Suicide in Older Men. This online event is aimed at health and social care professionals.It takes place on Friday 23 April 2021. REGISTER NOW

Do you want to take action to prevent suicide in older men but aren’t sure where to begin? In April 2021, we will be hosting a series on male suicide prevention workshops run by Stop Male Suicide Director Glen Poole. These FREE workshops are for professionals, volunteers and community members in the Hunter, New England and Central Coast region.

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