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The A-Z of Managing Heart Failure in Primary Care

Wednesday, August 25th 2021
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Join us virtually for an exciting combination of plenary presentations and interactive workshops led by a Cardiologist/GP duo addressing the need for earlier intervention in the management of symptomatic heart failure and its implementation in primary care.


07:30 pm: Welcome and introduction - A/Prof John Amerena & A/Prof Ralph Audehm

07:35 pm: How to stop your heart failure patients from bouncing back into hospital - Dr Anita Sharma & Dr Scott McKenzie

07:55 pm: Implementing earlier intervention in clinical practice for symptomatic heart failure - Prof Andrew Sindone

08:10 pm: Case study breakout workshops - Cardiologist/GP duo

08:40 pm: Panel discussion - All

09:15 pm: Close - A/Prof John Amerena & A/Prof Ralph Audehm

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