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The National Allergy Council invites you to join the conversation: 'How do we improve access to allergy care in Australia?'

Friday, May 19th 2023
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Face-to-face stakeholder engagement meetings are being held in different cities and regional areas across Australia. The goal of the meetings is to bring stakeholders together to discuss ways to improve access to high quality allergy care, particularly for those living in rural and remote areas. We are inviting representation from: • Members of the community living with allergies and their carers • Public hospital and healthcare staff • Health professionals working in private practice • Health administrators and governments Participants will be required to do some pre-reading, complete a short survey and attend the 9:00am – 3:00pm session. If you can not attend the Sydney event, please look at the event webpage for alternate dates and locations.
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