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The Newcastle Men's Table - Entree

Monday, October 4th 2021
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This Entree will establish a Newcastle Men's Table that will ultimately meet in-person. In the interim, due to the pandemic lockdown, we will run this entree event on Zoom and support the founding members to commence as a virtual Table.

The Men’s Table is a preventative men’s mental health and community-building initiative, providing a simple, low-cost, grassroots approach. It helps men build meaningful male friendships by creating safe places to share, overcoming the stigma that “men don’t talk”.

Our vision is Healthy Men, Healthy Masculinities, Healthy Communities.
The Men’s Table enables adult men to meet on a monthly basis with the same group of men to share a meal and talk openly about their feelings, and the highs and lows that are impacting their lives and well-being.

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