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Trauma Informed Care

Starts: Monday, July 24th 2023 at 9:30 AM
Ends: Tuesday, July 25th 2023 at 4:30 PM
Price is per person; group pricing is available.
This interactive short course* aims to equip workers with basic skills, knowledge, understanding, approaches and strategies to work effectively with survivors of past and current/ongoing trauma. In particular, this course will explore the way that complex trauma, caused by early childhood abuse and neglect, impacts survivors and outlines a number of principles and approaches for working in a trauma-informed way with children and families. Additionally, there is a focus on understanding and responding to Aboriginal intergenerational trauma using both mainstream and traditional Aboriginal healing methods to optimise worker practice. Course content draws on and aligns with current, sector best-practice. A range of activities provide learners in diverse roles with opportunities to develop practical skills to enhance their work with trauma survivors. A blend of mainstream, clinical, non-clinical, (recovery), Aboriginal and lived-experience expertise has been utilised to develop the course materials.
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