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VIC - What is Our Social Worker Identity? webinar

Wednesday, July 13th 2022
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Members - $20 inc GST, Student Members - $15 inc GST,Non-Members - $40 inc GST
Webinar VIC Branch: Victorian Professional Identity and Events Sub-Committee (VPIE) is pleased to present the following webinar: What is Our Social Worker Identity? If you are like most social workers you have probably felt misunderstood by colleagues from other disciplines at some time. Our values make us a little different than other professions. But, when it comes to trying to explain the differences we feel ill equipped to explain the differences. This leads us to question our identity as social workers. What is it that really makes us different? What are our values? What really makes up our social work identity? In this two hour lunchtime session we will hear from a panel of experts who will guide us to answer these questions and who will ask us more. Join us as we seek to understand the social work identity.
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