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Wellbeing Weekend - Connecting

Starts: Saturday, October 22nd 2022 at 9:00 AM
Ends: Sunday, October 23rd 2022 at 5:00 PM
RACGP member: $375 | Non-member $425

Our wellbeing weekend offers you the chance to re-energise and reflect on your own wellbeing. Facilitated discussions will cover topics under the theme of 'connection'. The sessions will cover connecting with life, nourishment and creativity. The program includes a range of activities, such as yoga, surfing, dance, and more, that you can enjoy at a beautiful seaside location.

Accommodation - Aanuka Beach Resort offers a range of rooms. To secure your room at a discounted price, call the resort on 02 6652 7555 and quote 'RACGP wellbeing weekend'.

This will be an approved CPD accredited activity (formerly Category 1) for the 2020-22 triennium. For more information, please contact Jovi Stuart on or phone 02 9886 4759

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