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Winter Preparedness for Primary Care

Wednesday, June 21st 2023
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

The 2023 Influenza season has begun and in recent weeks the Central Coast and Hunter New England areas have experienced a considerable increase in confirmed Influenza cases, particularly among children and young adults. Community transmission of COVID is again at a moderate to high level, with people aged 65 years and over at highest risk. This update will provide you with the latest information on epidemiology and recommendations for disease prevention and control.

Discussion topics to be addressed include:

  • Practical approaches to PCR testing
  • Brief update on antiviral eligibility and practicalities and Tamiflu


  • Dr Tony Merritt - Public Health Physician, Hunter New England Population Health
  • Dr Richard Broome – Public Health Physician, Central Coast Local Health District
  • Facilitated by Dr Michelle Redford - General Practitioner and Educator at Blackbutt Doctors Surgery, Newcastle and GP advisor (PHN - Integrated Care & Quality Improvement)

WHO: GPs, GP Registrars, Nurses, Allied Health, Aboriginal Health Practitioners and Workers, and Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF) Clinicians

WHEN: Wednesday 21st June 2023, 6.30 pm – 7.30 pm

WHERE: Online via GoToWebinar

RSVP: Please CLICK HERE to register

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