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Women's Heart Masterclass

Tuesday, December 5th 2023
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The Monash Victorian Heart Institute invites primary care physicians, cardiologists, endocrinologists nurses, allied health professionals, and students, to attend our Women’s Heart Masterclass.

THE PROGRAM: Unique aspects of cardiac disease in women Dr Esther Davis I Menopause and heart disease A/Prof Amanda Vincent I Cardiac disease in pregnancy Dr Siobhan Lockwood

Cardiovascular disease (in aggregate) is the leading cause of mortality in Australian women however it remains under recognised, underdiagnosed and undertreated. Managing and diagnosing CVD in women presents an increasingly challenging landscape for clinicans and health professionals to navigate. Our masterclass provides expert content and practical advice to increase awareness and provide a comprehensive update on cardiac risk factors relevant to women.

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