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Spring Ridge - Share your thoughts

Spring Ridge Small Town Engagement Model (STEM) Rural Healthcare Pilot

Spring Ridge Health Hub

As we mark the first year of this initiative, we are eager to hear from you—our community members. Your insights are invaluable in helping us understand the impact of our services and identify areas for improvement.

Whether you’ve used the Health Hub’s services or just heard about it, your feedback is welcomed. Please take a few minutes to fill out our short survey and let us know about:

  • Your awareness of the Health Hub
  • Your use of the services
  • Your access to primary healthcare

We also welcome any other comments or suggestions you might have!

Why participate?

  • Your input will help shape the future of healthcare in Spring Ridge
  • Together, we can enhance the quality and accessibility of our services

Thank you for being a valued member of our community and for helping us make Spring Ridge a healthier place for everyone!

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