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Attendees ‘Inspired’ following 2022 Coast to Country Immunisation conference

More than 320 Hunter New England and Central Coast nurse immunisers, midwife immunisers, practice nurses, GPs, and health students gathered recently to attend the 2022 Coast to Country: Vaccination Protection For All immunisation conference.

A collaboration between the Central Coast Local Health District, the Hunter New England Local Health District and the Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECC PHN), the conference presented attendees with an impressive line-up of leading specialists in immunisation from around the country, including;

  • Master of Ceremonies, Patrick Cashman Immunisation Coordinator at HNE LHD NSW,
  • Prof David Durrheim, Director of Health Protection HNE LHD NSW
  • Dr Kat Taylor, Public Health Physician and General Practitioner
  • Professor Kristine Macartney, Paediatrician and Infectious Disease Specialist
  • Professor David Isaacs, Clinical Professor in Paediatric Infectious Diseases
  • Brenden Hall OAM, Paralympian
  • Dr Ketaki Sharma, Staff Specialist/Clinical Lecturer

Immunisation Coordinator at the Central Coast Public Health Unit, Donna Moore, led the team for this year's conference.

“The HNECCPHN with the HNE and CC Public Health Units worked together to present a platform of speakers of incredibly high calibre. The collaboration between PHN and the PHU staff from both areas provided the opportunity for an event of such quality. We are proud to have presented this conference to a large audience across the HNE and CC districts. Many thanks to all the attendees for their active participation online and to those who have promptly submitted evaluations which will be of significant value for future events.”

Richard Nankervis, CEO of the HNECC PHN said the attendees were delighted to listen, learn, interact and ask questions with like-minded peers from across Australia. “Our aim for the conference this year, as always, is to gather leading specialists on immunisation to present topics which challenge and inform. The PHN is proud to co-develop the conference alongside our colleagues at the public health unit, to provide health professionals with an opportunity to build on their skills and knowledge of vaccines.”

The virtual event also included a number of videos of immunisation in practice, demonstrating the dedication of our primary care professionals to the immunisation of our community. The videos can be viewed via the links below.

The event was evaluated by more than half of attendees who rated the event ‘very highly’, reporting that the conference was ‘excellent, informative, relevant and inspiring’.

The 2023 conference is currently scheduled as a face-to-face event to be held on the Central Coast on Friday 20 October and Saturday 21st October 2023. Stand by for further details.

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