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Game Changer Digital Health Technology grants to improve region’s access to primary health care

Australia's healthcare landscape is grappling with the challenges of an aging population, increasing healthcare demands, and evolving healthcare needs. Traditional approaches to delivering primary care are falling short, demanding innovative solutions that cater to the unique needs of communities.

In response to these challenges, the Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECC PHN) is investing $1 million dollars in innovative solutions that harness digital health technology to provide improved models of care within the primary care sector.

HNECC PHN Chief Executive Officer, Richard Nankervis said the PHN will be looking for projects, pilots and programs that embrace and promote the prioritisation framework and general criteria.

“The PHN is looking for new ideas and solutions to support the PHN’s strategic purpose of increasing equity of access to primary care services.

“This may be through incorporating virtual primary care services that strengthen and support the existing workforce, or developing and piloting digitally incorporated models of care for priority groups including localised multidisciplinary health services.”

The PHN is committed to supporting priority populations within the region including First Nations, culturally and linguistically diverse, people living with a disability, older persons, children and young people and rural and remote communities. Projects that support these populations will be favourably considered.

If you think you have a Game Changer idea, the PHN encourage you to reach out to our team and apply.

The grant round is open for seven weeks from 4 March.

Learn more and apply: Game Changer Technology Grants - Primary Health Network (

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