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Encourage your patients to get vaccinated before travelling these holidays

The end of the year is fast approaching, which means a lot of Australians are travelling overseas. While we have high levels of vaccination coverage, we can still get exposed to serious diseases while visiting other countries.

Before heading overseas these holidays, we are asking Australians to add vaccinations to their travel checklist. This means:

  • checking their vaccination status online through MyGov or the Express Plus Medicare mobile app
  • checking Smartraveller if they need any vaccines for their destination, and
  • booking a vaccination appointment before they leave.

By vaccinating we can protect ourselves, children and the community from serious diseases that are not common in Australia.

The National Immunisation Program also provides free vaccinations for children from birth to age 4. Making sure our children are up-to-date and getting vaccinated according to the schedule means they are protected from viruses and diseases that are present in other countries.

As health professionals, you can encourage your patients ahead of travelling to get vaccinated and recommend vaccines for their overseas destinations. You can use the website to guide your advice and help your patients stay safe this holiday period.

For more information view the NSW Schedule.

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