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General Practice Workforce Planning and Prioritisation Survey - for completion by 30th July 2023

Some communities in Hunter New England and Central Coast PHN (HNECC PHN) are currently, or are predicted to, experience general practice service shortfalls, due to changes in community needs or workforce. GP Workforce Planning and Prioritisation (WPP) Consortiums have been established by the Commonwealth Government to provide advice and analysis on workforce need and training capacity across Australia. HNECC PHN is undertaking local stakeholder engagement to gather information and test assumptions about locations in greatest need of GP services.

The PHN is inviting GPs and practice staff to individually complete this short anonymous survey to inform independent and evidence-based advice on current and future GP workforce needs.

The key role for the GP WPP consortiums is to undertake analysis and provide advice that will guide college selection and placement allocation processes. This involves stakeholder engagement at the jurisdictional and regional level to gain intelligence and test assumptions. This advice, provided to the Department, will guide the two GP training colleges (RACGP (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners) and ACRRM (Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine)) in their selection and placement allocation processes.

By completing this quick survey, HNECC PHN will be able to provide local nuance and perspective on enablers and barriers experienced by the GP workforce within our community to the Commonwealth Government, RACGP and ACRRM. Your insights and expertise will help provide advice to inform future allocation and distribution of GP Registrar placements and ensure local nuance to be appropriately reflected in GP WPP advice.

Strong local and regional engagement provides a platform for joint local planning, fosters regional community buy-in and ensures local insights are reflected in GP WPP advice.

Download the WPP program brochure.

Questions can be directed to:

Dianna Woodlands
Project Lead, Workforce Planning and Prioritisation
M: 0427 996 873

Disclaimer: When completing the survey I understand the Workforce Planning and Prioritisation Program collects, stores and discloses my information for the purposes of planning, for research or statistical purposes. To fulfil the purposes set out above, my information may also be collected from or passed onto external bodies which usually includes medical colleges, government organisations and Primary Health Networks, or as otherwise permitted or required by law.

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