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Have Your Say - COVID-19 Impact Survey Closing Soon

Have your say to help us:

  • Understand the ongoing impact of COVID-19 restrictions on activity levels in your workplace, including staffing levels
  • Inform the direction of continued support from the PHN on telehealth implementation, including training, advocacy, etc.
  • Get vital feedback on the current support delivered by the Primary Health Network, and to identify key areas of future support required as we move further into the Living with COVID-19 phase

We encourage as many clinicians as possible to complete the survey to provide us with the most accurate indication of the current operating environment and the region's needs as we map future support for primary care providers.

The survey should only take a few minutes to complete, and we will provide you with a snapshot of the results once collated. View results from our 2020 COVID-19 Impact Survey.

The survey closes to submissions on Friday 8 April 2022.

Take the Survey

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COVID-19 Primary Health Workforce

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General Practitioner Health Professionals

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