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National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day - 'Little Voices, Loud Futures'

This year's National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day theme is 'Little Voices, Loud Futures. The theme is raising awareness of the bright futures of our children and the potential for their voices to pave a new path for our nation.

What is Children’s Day?

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day (Children’s Day) is our national day dedicated to celebrating our children. Children’s Day is celebrated across the country each year on 4 August.

Children’s Day is a time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, communities and all Australians, celebrate the strengths and culture of our children. It is an opportunity for us to show our support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, as well as learn about the crucial impact that culture, family and community play in the life of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child.

Children’s Day has been run annually since 1988 and is the initiative of SNAICC – National Voice for our Children.

History of Children’s Day

In 1988, the first National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day was established on 4 August and was set against the backdrop of protests led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their supporters during the bicentennial year. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples felt a day was needed to celebrate our children, to give them confidence and make them feel special and included.

The date 4 August was historically used to communally celebrate the birthdays of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who were taken from their families at a young age, without knowing their birthday – the Stolen Generations.

Children's Day 2023 theme:

Little Voices, Loud Futures #LittleVoices #LoudFutures

Who is SNAICC?

SNAICC is the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care.

SNAICC is the National Voice for our Children. As the national peak body, we have a responsibility to make our children’s voices as powerful as possible, now and into the future. A First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution will amplify the work being done to ensure our children can flourish, with power over their destinies.

This year’s National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day theme ‘Little Voices, Loud Futures’ fires that ambition. We are raising awareness for the bright futures of our children and the potential for their voices to pave a new path for our nation. As always, we support the voices of our children in calling for a future where they are proud and empowered by their culture to speak their truth and be listened to by all Australians.

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