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Neurological Fatigue Research - Request for GP Participation

Dr Dawn Simpson (University of Newcastle & HNE Allied Health Clinical Academic Conjoint) who researches interventions for post-stroke fatigue, would like to speak with a GP who provides care for people with symptoms of neurological fatigue.

Dr Simpson's team research post-stroke fatigue, and are aware that GPs are often the primary contact for people with fatigue. The team would like to test their assumptions about the challenges for GPs involved in managing fatigue.


• Many Allied Health professionals are not confident in helping survivors of stroke manage post-stroke fatigue (Blackwell et al, 2021). Survivors of stroke report having little knowledge about post-stroke fatigue (Delbridge et al, 2023).

• In one study, they are co-designing a new educational tool to help survivors of stroke manage post-stroke fatigue with funding from the Stroke Foundation (HNELHD Human Research Ethics Committee 2023/ETH00175).


The team request interest from an interested GP/s for a single meeting (via phone or video-conference) arranged at a time that is suitable minimal clinical disruption for a broad conversation about their experience of managing fatigue conditions as a GP.


Interested GPs, please email

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