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Research Opportunity: Perceptions of healthcare professionals on using genetics to tailor nutrition interventions for heart disease

Researchers from the University of Newcastle/Hunter Medical Research Institute are undertaking a research project for consumers and clinicians around their thoughts, experience and input on using genetic information to tailor nutrition interventions for people living with heart disease.

Emerging research has highlighted a relationship between diet and genetics, suggesting that individuals may benefit more from personalised dietary recommendations based on their genetics.

The study aims to address this knowledge gap by conducting surveys (approx. 5-10min) and optional interviews with people living with heart disease, high blood pressure and/or cholesterol and their healthcare providers on their perceptions of using genetics to inform nutrition interventions.

The findings from this study will allow the team to accumulate an understanding to inform future co-design of a personalised nutrition intervention for people living with heart disease, as well as provide important insights into navigating discussions around genetic information with individuals in future research and clinical practice.

Survey link for patients:

Survey link for clinicians:

For additional information and contact details refer to the project flyer for clinicians.

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