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Research Opportunity: Smart inhalers to improve medication adherence to reduce asthma exacerbations in children aged 5‐9 years

Smart inhalers have the potential to increase asthma control in children. However, very limited research has examined the perceptions of the effectiveness smart inhalers for children. This study aims to understand key stakeholder’s perceptions of the usefulness of smart inhalers for children aged 5-9 with asthma, and issues to be considered in effectively integrating the use of smart inhalers in the care.

Research organisation: University of Newcastle

Using a qualitative research approach, Stage 1 of this study aims to understand key stakeholder’s perceptions of the usefulness of smart inhalers for children aged 5-9 with asthma and issues to be considered in effectively integrating the use of smart inhalers in the care. One on one interviews will be undertaken with the following GPs, hospital-based paediatric respiratory clinicians, respiratory nurses, and parents/guardians. The research team is calling for GPs with an interest in paediatric asthma to participate in the interviews. Participating GPs will be provided a $100 gift voucher on competition of the interview.

Please view the GP Information Statement for further details.

Closing date: 31st March 2024

Contact details: Dr Megan Freund-

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