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The Hunter New England Menopause Hub

The HNE Menopause Hub is a new multi-disciplinary specialist team providing Menopause assessment and care for individuals experiencing complex and severe menopause symptoms.

The HNE Menopause Hub is a district wide outpatient service based at Wallsend Health Campus providing care to patients residing in HNELHD and providing consultation to clients referred via the Menopause referral sites in NNSW and MNCLHD.

The team consists of medical specialists, including a women’s health nurse, clinical psychologist, women’s health physiotherapist and a dietitian. GPs may choose to refer individuals with medical conditions that may be exacerbating menopause symptoms or complicating treatment, or where menopause symptoms have been resistant to treatment trialed. Referral information, including criteria, can be access via the HealthPathways Menopause Specialised Referrals and Advice page.

Referral criteria can be access via Health pathways. Appointments will be offered face to face or via video consultation through the My Virtual Care platform. Shared care between the Hub and GP is encouraged and GPs can refer for face to face assessment, telehealth appointment (video), group education, or for written advice regarding complex patients they may be caring for.

The Hub is currently accepting referrals for medical and nursing appointments and is in the process of recruiting Allied Health team members. For primary care assessment and management advice see the Menopause clinical HealthPathway.

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