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The PHN Launches LGBTQIA+ Ally Collaborative to Promote an Inclusive Work Environment.

The Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network (the PHN) has launched a LGBTQIA+ Ally Collaborative with support from ACON to promote an inclusive work environment where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer employees and their families are accepted, valued, and free of prejudice and discrimination. The collaborative is a product of the PHN’s 2022 -2025 Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Strategy, which aims to spread awareness, understanding and sensitivity to build a safe and respectful work environment that creates a culture of inclusion, equality and respect.

ACON is New South Wales’ leading health promotion organisation specialising in HIV and LGBTI health. Their purpose is to create opportunities for people in our communities to live their healthiest lives

Initial stages of the collaborative include promoting inclusivity through a staff survey of which the results will inform a 12-month plan, professional development and celebration of Wear it Purple Day as well as a number of other upcoming dates of significance.

The staff survey is a version of the Annual Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) and is a way to measure the PHN’s starting point. The AWEI uses an academic methodology with national LGBTQIA+ workplace inclusion benchmarks. The index drives best practice in Australian organisations and sets a comparative benchmark for Australian employers across all sectors. The PHN will look to participate in the national benchmark survey (AWEI) next year to measure the impact of PHN organisational inclusion initiatives.

The Pride in Health + Wellbeing program delivers professional development that:

  • Explains why LGBTQ inclusion is important to organisations.
  • Explains the differences between sex, gender identity, gender expression and orientation.
  • Outlines some of the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ people.
  • Responds to some of the common views questioning the need for inclusion initiatives.
  • Provides an overview of the barriers to accessing care and health disparities related to LGBTQ communities.
  • Provides an understanding of the role that employees play in creating a more inclusive culture.

Lorin Livingstone, Executive Manager of People, Operations and Engagement believes Wear it Purple Day is a perfect opportunity to launch the PHN’s LGBTQIA+ Ally Collaborative, “The PHN is committed to understanding staff and making our workplace somewhere everyone can feel free to share their sexuality/gender identity if they wish to.”

“As part of the PHN vision of Healthy People and Healthy Communities, we believe that a workplace where everyone is respected, connected, contributing and progressing is key in meeting our purpose to keep people well in our communities, through innovation, performance, collaboration and local engagement.”

“This Wear it Purple Day the PHN will be celebrating and acknowledging the day’s objective which strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people.”

Read more about ACON

Read more about Wear it Purple Day

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