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This 10 May, start the conversation. Because we all deserve to be safe at home.

We all deserve safety, respect and the opportunity to thrive, wherever we live, work and play. But for many of us home is not always safe.

Are You Safe At Home? is a national initiative developed by Safe and Equal, designed to break down the fear and stigma associated with talking about family violence. Are You Safe at Home? provides clear information about what to look out for, what supports are available, and how to start a conversation if you’re concerned that someone you know is experiencing abuse. The campaign includes a suite of resources focused on how to recognise and respond to family violence, including a video series available in 15 community languages.

Access the campaign here.

The Are you safe at home, Safe and Equal initiative project funded by The State Government of Victoria compliments the work of Hunter New England and Central Coast PHN Safe and Healthy initiative, to find out more about what the PHN is doing in our region, please visit The PHN Domestic Family Violence - What we do.

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Domestic and Family Violence

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