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Workshop | How to write winning grants and tenders

Do you have a great idea for a community wellbeing program? Do you deliver health services or programs?

If you’re a small to medium organisation looking to fund health services or programs that deliver health outcomes in the Hunter, New England, and Central Coast regions, then this grant and tender writing workshop is for you.

This event is brought to you by The PHN and delivered by iClick2Learn.

Your trainer, Natalie Bramble, has been writing grants and tenders for nearly 30 years. You’ll learn the secrets to writing strong submissions from a grant and tender writer and assessor who has over 85 per cent success, has secured millions of dollars in funding for organisations and takes part in, and has overseen, grant and tender decision-making processes.

In this workshop, you'll be provided with expert insights and tools that will simplify the grant and tender writing process for you. At the end of the day, you'll be able to apply these tools to any grants and tenders.

You'll learn:

  • How to save time and stress by getting Grant and Tender Ready
  • How to find the key messages in grant guidelines and tender requirements
  • How to use those key messages to plan a strong response
  • How applications are assessed. You'll experience the process, helping you think like an assessor; and
  • A game changing tool that will help you write strong responses that assessors will love!

You'll also receive post-workshop support, with the opportunity to get feedback on applications you're applying for.

In person workshops are on the 7th, 8th, and 9th November. Online workshops will be held in February and March 2023. You can either attend the in-person workshops, the online workshops, or both.

To register visit

You can also register an expression of interest for upcoming online workshops.

Wyong Newcastle Armidale
Monday 7 November 2022 Tuesday 8 November 2022 Wednesday 9 November 2022
8:45am - 5pm 8:45am - 5pm 8:45am - 5pm
Mercure, Kooindah Waters Novotel Rydges
40 Kooindah Blvd 5 King St 31 Marsh St
Wyong, NSW, 2259 Newcastle, NSW, 2300 Armidale, NSW, 2350

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