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Events - Submitted

SafeScript NSW (Real Time Prescription Monitoring System) is Coming - Rural Session

SafeScript NSW provides prescribers and pharmacists with real-time information about a patient’s prescribing and dispensing history for certain high-risk medicines, known as monitored medicines. This information helps to improve clinical decision making and help keep patients safe.

SafeScript NSW will be available to prescribers and pharmacists in Hunter New England and Central Coast regions from late October. Learn about the benefits of SafeScript NSW and how the system is intended to be used

Learn More Learn more about SafeScript NSW (Real Time Prescription Monitoring System) is Coming - Rural Session
Events - Submitted

Privacy in your Practice. Why have Privacy breaches increased and what you should do?

Protecting patient privacy and confidentiality pertaining to medical records and health information is essential, and as a member of the practice team, you need to ensure that you adhere to legislation outlining privacy. Breaches of privacy have increased during COVID.

This privacy refresher presented by Angela Mason-Lynch from AVANT will cover some “real” examples of breaches of privacy, including:

• staff accessing records and using the information for a friend

• emails sent to the incorrect email address or an email address that was not approved

• mail sent with information about another patient being included

Learn More Learn more about Privacy in your Practice. Why have Privacy breaches increased and what you should do?
Events - Submitted

Knowing when and how to renew your Digital Health NASH Certificate (Mastermind)

Join us for a PHN update on the current changes to the NASH Certificate and its use in general practice, allied health and with other healthcare providers. The Australian Digital Health Agency is working closely with Services Australia, software developers, and healthcare organisations to implement enhancements to the National Authentication Service for Health (NASH). These upgrades will provide enhanced security protection for healthcare information and reduce the need for healthcare organisations to manage multiple certificates.

Following the webinar participants will have an improved understanding of the following :

• What are the changes to your NASH certificate

• How to check when your NASH certificate is due to expire

• How to renew your NASH certificate through PRODA

Learn More Learn more about Knowing when and how to renew your Digital Health NASH Certificate (Mastermind)
Events - Submitted

Paediatric Masterclass for General Practice - Eating Disorders

The Queensland Children’s Hospital is partnering with Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Queensland to deliver the 2021 Paediatric Masterclass for General Practice. The masterclass will be delivered as a four-part webinar series, fortnightly on a Tuesday, from 12 October 2021.

All 90-minute interactive webinars are free. Sessions are facilitated by Queensland Children’s Hospital experts, with the opportunity for Q&A

Eating disorders 23 November at 7pm

Learn More Learn more about Paediatric Masterclass for General Practice - Eating Disorders
Events - Submitted

Heart Health Checks : now is the time

Join Katrina Otto, Owner of Train IT Medical and the Heart Foundation as they talk about implementing Health Heart Checks in your practice.

In this session you’ll learn:

The impact COVID has had on Heart Health Checks

How to use data to identify care gaps and assess risk

Discuss opportunities to incorporate heart checks in routine patient appointments

Identify quality improvements to easily qualify for Practice Incentive Payments by maximising your use of technology

How to implement a systematic preventative health approach

Learn More Learn more about Heart Health Checks : now is the time
Events - Submitted

Healthed: free educational resources - WEBCASTS

Healthed is Australia’s leader in HCP education and engagement. Offering a variety of trusted and popular learning resources for health professionals, our content is delivered and endorsed by high-caliber national and international experts and is catered to a range of learning styles. We would like to invite your GPs and Practice Nurses to engage with our high-quality educational resources, in particular our exclusive fortnightly FREE WEBCASTS!
Learn More Learn more about Healthed: free educational resources - WEBCASTS
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