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Events - Submitted

Updates in skin cancer diagnosis and management: Hybrid GP education evening

GPs play a vital role in the diagnosis and management of skin cancer, and to ensure the best outcomes for their patients, they need to be across the latest developments in the field. Melanoma Institute Australia is pleased to be hosting a hybrid GP education evening featuring world-leading experts to provide updates for GPs in melanoma and complex non-melanoma skin cancers.
Learn More Learn more about Updates in skin cancer diagnosis and management: Hybrid GP education evening
Events - Submitted

Vaccine Virtual Days

Vaccine Virtual Days are coming on March 30th & 31st 2022. This event will be a unique opportunity to connect with the broader vaccine community with a focus on adult immunisation. The value and importance of adult immunisation has been discussed globally over the last 12 months. Now is the time to come together as a community of healthcare professionals committed to adult immunisation, to hear the latest science and data on vaccine technologies, barriers to immunisation, including hesitancy to vaccinate, and much more.
Learn More Learn more about Vaccine Virtual Days
Events - Submitted

Suicide Prevention for LGBTIQA+ Communities

Whilst suicide is a highly complex issue that affects many individuals and their families, research consistently shows that LGBTIQA+ communities are overrepresented in prevalence statistics for suicidal ideation and harm. In this webinar, panellists will explore how to identify risk factors for suicidal thoughts and harm, as well as protective factors within families, schools and communities that assist in prevention of suicide for LGBTIQA+ people. The importance of collaborative interdisciplinary service provision and appropriate referral pathways when providing care to people from LGBTIQA+ communities will also be covered.

Learn More Learn more about Suicide Prevention for LGBTIQA+ Communities
Events - Submitted

Improving Immunisation Rates: What's Available? - Mastermind

Please join us online for a discussion on the resources that are available to assist you with improving immunisation rates within our communities as well as information on medicare billing and immunisations. Our speaker will provide an overview of, and extend an invitation, to join the PHN’s Immunisation Community of Practice.

Learn More Learn more about Improving Immunisation Rates: What's Available? - Mastermind
Events - Submitted

Living with COVID: Post-COVID Conditions & Rehabilitation

The longer term health impacts of COVID-19 infection for individuals are becoming increasingly apparent as the pandemic continues. General practice and other primary

healthcare providers are likely to be identifying and supporting patients experiencing a wide range of symptoms and conditions following COVID-19 infection. Please join us for this webinar update with opportunities for Q&A.

Learn More Learn more about Living with COVID: Post-COVID Conditions & Rehabilitation
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