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New Pathways Scheduled for 2021-22

As part of our operational planning for the new financial year we prioritise pathways for development. The pathways listed below have been identified as important to develop from our local paediatric specialists and general practitioners.

We are also interested in hearing from you about what you see as priorities within Children Young People and Families. If you would like us to make contact with any of your team to discuss these further please ask them to ‘send button’ on the bottom right hand screen of the HNE Community HealthPathways home page. We will then make an appointment with them to discuss.

  • Acute / non acute abdomen (intussusception / appendix)
  • Chronic abdominal pain in Children
  • Concussion in Children
  • Head Injury in Children
  • Penis and foreskin
  • Fractures in Children.
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