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Celebrating NAIDOC Week 2024 : Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud

NAIDOC Week 2024 ignites a spirit of resilience and pride as we embrace the theme 'Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud'. This theme echoes the enduring flame of First Nations cultures, shining brightly through adversity and celebrating the richness of First Nations heritage.

Throughout NAIDOC Week, from July 7th to July 14th, 2024, we honour the traditions, achievements, and voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It's a time to recognise the contributions of First Nations communities to our shared history, culture, and identity.

Join us in commemorating NAIDOC Week by participating in events, discussions, and activities that promote understanding, respect, and unity. Let's keep the fire burning by amplifying First Nations voices, advocating for justice and reconciliation, and building a future where all Australians can thrive together.

For more information on what NAIDOC week events are on near you, visit Local NAIDOC Week events | NAIDOC

To find out more about the history of NAIDOC Week and to learn more about this year’s theme visit National NAIDOC theme page.

If you are looking at ways to inspire your team, workplace or community to celebrate National NAIDOC theme and Week visit Supporting NAIDOC Toolkit

You can use this toolkit any time of the year, not just during National NAIDOC Week.

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