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Disaster Preparedness for Practices – PHN Winter Trilogy Event

Primary care providers and their staff are increasingly finding themselves as part of the front line dealing with the impact of disasters.

Over recent years the Hunter New England and Central Coast regions experienced the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, bushfires, drought, extreme weather events including thunderstorms and severe floods, and a rodent plague.

Being well prepared is vital for providers to reduce their vulnerability, minimise risk, and increase business and workforce resilience.

The HNECC PHN is proud to announce the upcoming Winter Trilogy event series “When a Disaster Affects Your Practice”. This series will be held over three free webinar sessions to provide primary care providers vital information on how to prepare for a disaster and develop a tailored business continuity plan.

The three events will cover six relevant hazard scenarios and the short-to-medium and long-term effects on primary care providers and their staff. The PHN will welcome subject matter experts who will talk about their first-hand experience and provide you with their insights.

This event trilogy will promote the following learning outcomes:

  • Learn how to assess your individual disaster risk.
  • Learn from hazard desktop scenarios: immediate, medium, and long-term effects a disaster may have on your business.
  • Understand how lived experiences can inform better outcomes.
  • Understand how to perform business continuity planning.
  • Build capacity with resources to support your individual planning, including a helpful PHN template.

Who should attend: All interested providers and their staff from Community Practices (General Practice and Aboriginal Medical Services), Allied Health, Aged Care Providers, Pharmacy, and Dental.

Session One

Tuesday 25 July 2030 | 6:30pm – 8:00pm

Cyber Security: Peter Mullen

Earthquake: Dr John Goswell

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Session Two

Tuesday 15 August 2030 | 6:30pm – 8:00pm

Infectious Diseases Outbreak: Dr Catherine Palmqvist

Flood, including Tsunami: Scott McLellan

NSW State Emergency Service

Registration coming soon

Session Three

Tuesday 5 September 2030 | 6:30pm – 8:00pm

Thunderstorm Asthma: Dr John Goswell

Fire and Bushfire: NSW Rural Fire Service

Speaker TBC

Registration coming soon

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