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News & Announcements

March 26 2024

Provider Connect Australia™ and the Primary Health Network host informative session led by ADHAs Julie Khoury

Aimed at enhancing the accuracy of healthcare service and practitioner information, Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network (the PHN) collaborated with the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) to host an education session on Provider Connect Australia™ (PCA™).

Learn more about Provider Connect Australia™ and the Primary Health Network host informative session led by ADHAs Julie Khoury
February 02 2024

Online Learning for Digital Health Literacy

We are delighted to share an initiative by the Australian Digital Health Agency that aims to enhance the digital health literacy of health care professionals, both patients and their carers. In an era where technology is transforming the healthcare landscape, healthcare professionals must guide their patients in navigating and utilising digital health tools effectively.

Learn more about Online Learning for Digital Health Literacy
October 12 2023

Research Opportunity - Residential Aged Care: Tell us your research priorities

Aged care is currently experiencing immense change based on the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Much of this change is being led by the Australian Government and by aged care providers. As researchers, we want to understand how we can best support this change. We want to know what you think are most critical areas to research in residential aged care.

Learn more about Research Opportunity - Residential Aged Care: Tell us your research priorities
July 13 2023

Disaster Preparedness for Practices – PHN Winter Trilogy Event

Primary care providers and their staff are increasingly finding themselves as part of the front line dealing with the impact of disasters.

Over recent years the Hunter New England and Central Coast regions experienced the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, bushfires, drought, extreme weather events including thunderstorms and severe floods, and a rodent plague.

Learn more about Disaster Preparedness for Practices – PHN Winter Trilogy Event
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