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Dying to Know Day - August 8

Dying to know Day is an Annual Campaign Day held on 8th August. It encourages adults of all stages to take individual action, hold events, gatherings at home – all to improve their knowledge around choices for their end-of-life. This year, the campaign asks adult people from all communities, cultures and gender backgrounds to prioritise self-advocacy when it comes to end-of-life planning and to embrace their unique and personal choices, so they truly align with their values and wishes.

Dying to Know Day seeks to encourage the ‘tough conversations’ now, to reduce the anguish, distress and grief experienced by loved ones later. And to take action, thoughtful action, that starts the process to ‘get dead set’.

Australians can ‘get dead set’ by proactively planning to:

1. Capture their choices in writing

Prepare a document – or multiple documents. Prepare documents that are relevant to you such as:

  • Will
  • Power of Attorney
  • Enduring Guardian
  • Binding Death Nomination
  • Advance Care Health Directive

Access more information regarding Documents

2. Have a conversation – or many conversations.

With your substitute decision makers, executor and enduring guardian. You can also talk to your family and friends.

Access further information about having conversations

3. Prepare/Plan your send-off.

Send-offs can be uplifting and memorable experiences. Consider these questions when planning a send off:

  • Cremation, burial or something else?
  • Funeral home package or something personal?
  • Event at home, outdoors, or place of worship?
  • Party afterward or no fuss?

Access further information for consideration for planning

Not sure where to begin? Use the links above, or head to The Groundswell Project.

Advance Care Planning 2023 campaign and information from Advance Care Planning Week - Advance Care Planning - Primary Health Network (

Palliative Care Video - National Palliative Care Week 2023.

The PHN created a community awareness video regarding Palliative Care for National Palliative Care Week 2023. For more information regarding Palliative Care/Palliative Care Week, please click here or watch the video below.

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