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Expression of Interest for Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Medical Educators

Are you a GP that would like to help to improve health outcomes for people who experience Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence?

The Primary Health Network is looking to expand its pool of Medical Educators to help General Practice and the broader primary care sector spot the signs, start the conversation and link for specialist support for patients who are experiencing Domestic Family and Sexual Violence (DFSV).

No specialist DFSV experience is required, only a passion for raising awareness of DFSV as a public health issue and improving health outcomes for people who experience DFSV.

Men are welcome and encouraged to apply.

The Program

As part of the Department of Health and Aged Care’s Improving Primary Care’s Response to Domestic Family and Sexual Violence program, the PHN offers training to primary care practices to:

  • increase the confidence and capacity of general practice and allied health teams to identify and support victims of domestic, family, and sexual violence; and
  • introduce the Local Link program: a designated specialist worker who links the patient into ongoing specialised DFSV support.

The Training

The training is predominantly delivered face to face within the primary care practice (although some online sessions are delivered due to geographical constraints or cross practice attendance). Each training session is delivered by a GP with the support of the Local Link.

The DFSV training is delivered in two parts – each 1 hour long:

  • Level 1 is for ALL practice staff and
  • Level 2 is more GP and nurse focused but ALL practice staff are encouraged to attend.

The training sessions are RACGP accredited.

Further training is currently being designed to provide support to primary care clinicians to recognise and respond to people who have experienced child sexual abuse and or sexual violence.

The DFV Local Link

Local specialist services have been commissioned by the PHN to deliver a Local Link service.

The aim of the service is to provide primary care professionals with a single referral point for Domestic Family and Sexual Violence support.

The Local Link supports:

  • the primary care clinician and practice to increase awareness of the DFSV sector; and
  • the victim survivor to identify and link in with ongoing specialist supports.

Socialisation of the Local Link program is a crucial part of the training in offering support to the primary care workforce and improving referral pathways for individuals. The Local Link therefore attends the training sessions to outline their role and build connection with the primary care professionals.


  • GPs who deliver the training are paid $150 per hour plus GST and 78cents per km travelled.
  • Training and Support
  • DFSV Medical education lead Dr Alison Lancey will provide a train the trainer session with new GP trainers.
  • New medical educators will be required to attend a session to view an experienced trainer prior to commencing delivery.
  • Bi-monthly Check-in sessions will be held for all medical educators to share learnings, receive, and offer peer support and debrief with other medical educators and Local Links.
  • Ad hoc support is provided and welcomed by the Safe and Healthy team and or education lead Dr Alison Lancey.

Expression of Interest

If you would like to be part of the Safe and Healthy Medical Education team, please email by the 20th May 2024 and a Safe and Healthy team member will be in touch.

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More about:

Domestic and Family Violence Expressions of Interest

For audiences:

General Practitioner

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