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Forty-three per cent of PHN employees participate in The Lift Project mental wellness program

In 2023 the People & Culture team implemented the PHN Wellbeing Strategy 2023 to 2025 which is underpinned by the evidence based Thrive at Work framework. The framework promotes a holistic approach that not only focuses on helping unwell people get well again, but also on helping people stay well and be the best they can be.

The PHN identified The Lift Project, an educational program designed to lift people’s mood and life to assist in helping staff to thrive. The Lift Project combines scientifically proven strategies from the fields of neuroscience, positive psychology and lifestyle medicine delivered though 10 lessons over 10 months.

Lorin Livingstone, the PHN’s Executive Manager of People, Operations & Engagement, said “the PHN recognises that supporting the health and wellbeing of employees is fundamental to the development of a positive and productive organisational culture, and the successful achievement of the inspirational vision of ‘Healthy People and Healthy Communities’.

“We acknowledge that our employees are the reason for our success, and we ensure that our work practices, the work environment, our workplace culture and organisational values enhance and protect their health and wellbeing.

“We believe in creating an environment to promote a state of contentment which allows an employee to flourish and achieve their full potential. Well-designed work is at the heart of what allows us to prevent and mitigate psychological ill health and promote prosperity. The PHN thrives when its people thrive.”

The program was optional and over 43 per cent of employees chose to participate with eight internally trained facilitation leads.

External website: The Lift Project

PHN wellbeing strategy: STRAT PHN Wellbeing Strategy 2023 to 2025 - Thrive at Work.pdf (

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