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Funding to support people navigate our health system

The impact of poverty, poor housing, environmental influences and social factors on health outcomes are being recognised via three 12 month pilots to help vulnerable communities navigate the health system.

The PHN wants to encourage and enable local health providers in our region to trial new approaches that can help people navigate the increasing complexity of our health system.

As such we are providing funding for suitable organisations to participate in this pilot of Care Navigation services. The role of the Care Navigators is to help people navigate around the system in both health and social care.Their role may include streamlining appointments, organising transport and other tasks to help health professionals as well as patients.Care Navigators will also have up-to-date knowledge of all the services available in their communities.

We will be piloting Care Navigators in Cessnock, Taree and Tamworth.

Any organisation that is interested in assisting clients on a one-one-one basis connect health, social and community services should apply.

Information on the pilot program is available on the PHN’s TenderLink website

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