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Healthy Weight lifestyle grants available to improve the health of our communities

Across Australia, two in three adults and one in four children are either overweight or obese.

Rates of overweight and obesity are higher in rural and regional areas compared to metropolitan areas.

As part of the PHN's Healthy Weight initiative we are allocating funding to support community groups and LGAs implement initiatives that will help people reach a healthy weight and reduce their risk of chronic disease.

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Research shows that tackling obesity and unhealthy weight requires a multifaceted approach, as the causes of weight gain may relate to a range of physiological, social, genetic, environmental and psychological factors

CEO for the PHN Richard Nankervis

“We know that the evidence supports models of primary prevention strategies that increase the likelihood of shifting physical activity, healthy eating and lifestyle choices towards an energy balanced approach being delivered at a community or locality level.

“Our aim is to encourage focused efforts at a community or locality so the PHN is offering community grants to local government or local organisations that target behavioural and environmental change”

“Specifically we want to support sustainable strategies that can increase physical activity, decrease screen time, improve diet quality by reducing the consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks and reducing the consumption of high energy foods”

“Ideally we would like to fund projects that have the potential to be scalable beyond a specific location”

To apply organisations must be incorporated or partnered with an incorporated organisation or local government entity who will receive and manage the grant.

The funding round is for activities that will commence before 30 June 2019 and the maximum grant amount is $50,000.

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