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HNECC PHN primary healthcare workforce survey now live — have your say!

Hunter New England Central Coast PHN invites primary healthcare workforce professionals and all relevant stakeholders to participate in a rapid survey to better understand local primary healthcare workforce issues and identify potential solutions for our region.

Access the survey here.

Are you a General Practitioner, GP registrar, Practice Nurse, Allied Health Professional, work at an ACCHO, work in an LHD, work in Local Government or are a community-based service provider? We want to hear from you!

HNECC PHN’s 2023-2028 strategic plan states a firm commitment to better understanding local primary healthcare workforce issues and developing localised workforce plans. The HNECC PHN primary healthcare workforce survey is one component of seeking feedback from stakeholders across the region as an initial step.

How to participate

You can submit a survey response in two ways. You can either head here and fill out the primary healthcare workforce survey. The survey takes less than 5 minutes to submit.

Alternatively, you can register for a 1:1 phone interview by emailing Mitchell Stalker (Director, Beacon Strategies) via 1:1 phone conversations are to be conducted over a period of two weeks, from Monday 20th of May to Friday 31st of May.

The project in more detail

HNECC PHN has commissioned Beacon Strategies, a health and social services consultancy, to undertake a primary healthcare health workforce supply and demand forecast, resulting in the development of locality workforce plans that contribute to a broader regional workforce strategy.

The Regional Primary Healthcare Workforce Planning initiative aims to ensure that plans are in place for a sufficient and skilled primary healthcare workforce to meet the needs of the population in the HNECC PHN region.

Virtual focus group

We encourage you to attend a virtual focus group to be held at several locations across the region.

  • Central Coast virtual group (14th of May, 6:30pm - 7:30pm). Register here.
  • Hunter virtual group (15th of May, 6:30pm - 7:30pm). Register here.
  • New England virtual group (16th of May, 6:30pm - 7:30pm). Register here.

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