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EOI closing for PHN Strategic Advisory Groups

The Expression of Interest for the two newly formed PHN Strategic Engagement Advisory Groups closes this Friday 5 July, with primary healthcare professionals and interested community members strongly encouraged to make a submission.

The purpose of the Rural Strategic Engagement Advisory Group and the Urban/Inner Regional Strategic Engagement Advisory Group is to provide insights, advice and guidance around the PHN’s strategic engagement; and specific areas and projects which align with the PHN’s purpose and strategic priorities, challenges and ambitions. Each group will have two Co-Chairs, one being a primary care clinician, and one being a community member.

A key goal of the advisory groups is to reflect the diversity of our PHN community and seek primary healthcare professionals and community members who:

  • Live, work and/or receive services in the Hunter, New England or Central Coast regions, and
  • Are involved with groups, agencies, other associations and committees related to primary healthcare

We strongly encourage expressions of interest from people who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander or have a culturally and linguistically diver background.

For further information, please visit

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