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Narrabri Dementia Committee reconnects after receiving PHN grant.

The Narrabri Dementia Committee has reconnected and recommenced following funding provided through the Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network’s (HNECC PHN) Community COVID-19 Reconnection Grants.

The small committee, consisting of members with experience in health, aged care, Narrabri Shire Council, carers, community members and business owners, works to focus on education and awareness for those living with dementia and their families and carers. The majority of people living with dementia live in the community for the majority of their illness and communities that are inclusive contribute to better outcomes for all.

The funding assisted the Narrabri Dementia Community Committee to reconnect following the disruptions of the pandemic. Following successful receipt of the grant, the committee planned and implemented a range of activities for community members diagnosed with dementia including;

  • Recommenced monthly meetings
  • Development of a brochure to create awareness of the committee’s aims and activities and inviting new members, including people living with dementia, to join. Paper copies were distributed throughout the town and electronic files shared on social media. A media release and advertisement in the Narrabri Courier newspaper provided additional promotion.
  • Hosting of ‘stepping up for dementia event’ to support carers and rural health staff. The event held in collaboration with Rotary, the Whiddon group, HealthWISE and HNELHD attracted 30 attendees.
  • Provision of a volunteer led carers group with morning tea for Dementia month (September) and end of year lunch (December).
  • Delivery of ‘WISER approach’ 2-day carer education in Narrabri with external providers. The education attracted 17 participants (February 2023).
  • Hosting of a movie sing-along with free admission to watch Mamma Mia! during Senior’s Week as part of the Narrabri Seniors festival. The sing-along had over 60 attendees (February 2023).
  • Committee members attended the opening of the Narrabri Community Garden that has a raised garden bed supported by the dementia friendly community committee.

The committee is also working to promote the online Dementia Friends training in the community including with High School students who are the future workforce.

The funding has been effective in furthering the group’s aims of increasing awareness, inclusion and understanding for people living with dementia.

The Committee have been successful in obtaining another PHN grant which funded a Memory Walk in April 2023.

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