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Mosquito borne diseases in the HNECC context

In NSW, Mosquitoes can cause serious diseases such as Ross River fever, the Barmah Forest disease, Japanese Encephalitis, or the rare Murray Valley fever.

Protection from mosquito bites is the most important step in reducing your risk. Easy precautions we can all take include:

  • Clothing: Cover up by wearing loose-fitting clothes with long sleeves and pants.
  • Apply mosquito repellent to exposed skin. Reapply as per instruction or if you notice mosquitoes biting. Repellents containing DEET or Picaridin, and lemon eucalyptus or para methane diol (PMD) provide adequate protection.
  • Mosquito repellents and sunscreen: If used together with sunscreen, the sunscreen should be used first, following the repellent. DEET-containing repellent may decrease the sun protection factor and more frequent reapplication might be necessary.
  • Use mosquito nets and screens
  • Be aware that mosquitoes have peak biting hours around dawn and dusk.
  • Environmental factors strongly affect mosquito populations and there have been large increases in areas affected by floods as mosquitoes breed in standing waters. Remove any breeding sites for mosquitoes around your house such as containers with standing water, e.g. trash, blocked roof guttering. Note that properly chlorinated and maintained pools are rarely a source for mosquito breeding.

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Japanese Encephalitis

The disease

Japanese Encephalitis is a rare but serious disease and is spread to humans by infected mosquitoes. The incubation period is 5-15 days (Heymann, 2015). Most infections are mild, and symptoms are nonspecific and may involve fever, headache and vomiting. Only 1 in 250 infected people develop symptoms such as neck stiffness, disorientation, tremors, seizures, coma, and paralysis. If you have recently been bitten by a mosquito and experience such symptoms, please contact a doctor immediately.

Spread in the HNECC

Confirmed cases have been recorded in Southern and Western NSW in the past ( ). A spread to the HNECC region is considered likely, especially if mosquito breeding conditions are improved after flood events.

How is the virus transmitted

Japanese Encephalitis virus is mainly transmitted between mosquitoes and so-called amplifying hosts, such as domestic and wild pigs, as well as birds. After biting an infected animal, mosquitoes can transmit the virus to humans. People working with or living close to pig populations (e.g., piggeries) and near bodies of water may have an increased risk. There has been no human-to-human transmission, or transmission via pork products reported so far.

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How to prevent Japanese Encephalitis

Preventing mosquito bites is the most effective strategy to minimize your risk. There is a safe and effective vaccine to prevent Japanese Encephalitis.

People who live or routinely work in high risk LGA’s and spend a lot of time outdoors, experience homelessness or live in conditions with limited mosquito protection may be eligible for Japanese Encephalitis vaccination. For more information: Japanese encephalitis - information for health professionals - Japanese encephalitis virus ( and Japanese encephalitis (JEV) resources | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Ross River Fever

The disease

Ross River Fever is a virus infection that is transmitted by infected mosquitoes.

Most infected people don’t develop any symptoms, or only experience mild symptoms 7-10 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. These symptoms include headaches, rash on body and extremities, fatigue, fever, chills, and joint pain. If you have recently been bitten by a mosquito and experience such symptoms, please contact a doctor immediately.

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Spread in the HNECC

While latest sentinel surveillance detected no Ross River Virus in mosquitoes the HNECC region (nswasp-weekly-report-2023-01-28.pdf), there have been 16 notifications of Ross River infections in humans in the HNE region in 2023 Ross River Virus notifications in Hunter New England local health district residents (

How is the virus transmitted

Ross River Virus is transmitted when a mosquito bites an infected human or animal, and then bites a human. Marsupials are considered to be the most common amplifying hosts for Ross River Virus. People working or living near bodies of water have an increased risk. There is no transmission from person-to-person.

Prevention of Ross River Fever

Preventing mosquito bites is the most effective strategy to minimize your risk as there is currently no vaccine available.

Barmah Forest Virus infection

The disease

Barmah Forest Virus infection is a virus infection that is transmitted by infected mosquitoes.

Most infected people don’t develop any symptoms, or only experience mild symptoms 7-10 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. These symptoms include headaches, rash on body and extremities, fatigue, fever, chills, and joint pain. If you have recently been bitten by a mosquito and experience such symptoms, please contact a doctor immediately.

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Spread in the HNECC

Latest sentinel surveillance detected no Barmah Forest Virus in the HNECC region (nswasp-weekly-report-2023-01-28.pdf). The risk of Barmah Forest Virus spreading into the HNECC region is considered likely, as there have been cases in past years.

How is the virus transmitted

Barmah Forest Virus is transmitted when a mosquito bites an infected human or animal, and then bites a human. Marsupials and cattle are considered to be the most common amplifying hosts for Barmah Forest Virus. People working or living near bodies of water have an increased risk. There is no transmission from person-to-person.

Prevention of Barmah Forest Virus Infection

Preventing mosquito bites is the most effective strategy to minimize your risk as there is currently no vaccine available.

Murray Valley Encephalitis

The disease

Murray Valley Encephalitis is a rare disease caused by virus infection with Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus that is transmitted by infected mosquitoes.

Most infected people don’t develop any symptoms, or only experience mild symptoms. These symptoms include headaches, vomiting, muscle aches, loss of appetite, fever and diarrhea. Rarely, the virus may cause a brain infection known as encephalitis, and symptoms may include neck stiffness, severe headache, sensitivity to bright lights, drowsiness, confusion, seizures or loss of consciousness and coma. If experience such symptoms, please contact a doctor immediately.

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Spread in the HNECC

Latest sentinel surveillance detected no Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus in the HNECC region (nswasp-weekly-report-2023-01-28.pdf).

How is the virus transmitted

Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus is transmitted when a mosquito bites an infected human or animal, and then bites a human. Marsupials and cattle and water birds are considered to be the most common amplifying hosts for Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus. The virus is commonly found along the Murray Darling River Basin, but not limited to this area. People working or living near bodies of water, or visitors spending outdoor time in the Great Dividing Range have an increased risk. There is no transmission from person-to-person.

Prevention of Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus Infection

Preventing mosquito bites is the most effective strategy to minimize your risk as there is currently no vaccine available.

Kunjin Virus

The disease

Kunjin infection is a rare disease caused by infection with Kunjin Virus and is transmitted by infected mosquitoes.

Most infected people don’t develop any symptoms, or only experience mild symptoms. These symptoms include fever, rash, enlarged lymph nodes, swollen and aching joints and fatigue. If you have recently been bitten by a mosquito and experience such symptoms, please contact a doctor immediately.

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Spread in the HNECC

Latest sentinel surveillance detected no Kunjin Virus in the HNECC region (nswasp-weekly-report-2023-01-28.pdf) . The risk of Kunjin Virus spreading into the HNECC region is considered likely, as the virus has been detected in horses in the Hunter region earlier in 2022.

How is the virus transmitted

Kunjin Virus is transmitted when a mosquito bites an infected human or animal, and then bites a human. Waterbirds and horses are considered to be the most common amplifying hosts for Kunjin Virus. People working or living near rivers, wetlands or bodies of water have an increased risk. There is no transmission from person-to-person.

Prevention of Kunjin Virus Infection

Preventing mosquito bites is the most effective strategy to minimize your risk as there is currently no vaccine available.

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