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New ‘Risk of Hospitalisation’ Report – utilising the CSIRO Predictive Risk Algorithm to help direct care to patients who need it the most.

The (CSIRO) ‘Risk of Hospitalisation’ Report is an all-new Clinical Audit Tool (CAT) capability, which may determine the probability that a patient will make an unplanned hospital visit within 12- months. Developed using Australian de-identified primary care data, the model considers patient demographics, their socio-economic index of relative advantage/disadvantage, physiological information, medications, chronic conditions, pathology categories according to abnormal levels in test results, and lifestyle factors such as alcohol and tobacco use.

Aligned with the RACGP’s ‘Standards for General Practice’ Criterion C4.1., the new application provides high level insights for GPs to increase their practice efficiency and offer better value to patients. GPs and Practice teams may also use this Report to demonstrate quality improvement initiatives already underway in their practice, matched to PIPQI.

This model will play a key role in recognising health risks and potentially preventable hospitalisations (PPH), enabling primary healthcare providers to proactively deliver targeted care to patients. This is paramount to improving care provision to people with chronic and complex health conditions and reducing instances of hospitalisation.

The CAT Risk of Hospitalisation Report can also help practices prepare for the upcoming implementation of voluntary patient registration (VPR) within general practice, reinforcing continuity of care between accredited general practices and their patients, and laying the foundations for funding reform.

Application of the Predictive Risk Algorithm is central to realising Pen CS’s 10-year plan – addressing unmet needs and gaps in the healthcare system – and making significant steps towards achieving the quadruple aim of improving provider experience, improving population-level health outcomes, sustainable costs, and improving provider satisfaction.

To learn more about how the new application can add value to your patients and practice watch Dr Kean-Seng Lim, Pen CS Chief Medical Advisor explain how this function will help add value to practices.

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