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PHN YES Survey identifies patient experience of services

In 2024, the PHN continues to support new organisations to introduce a Participant Reported Experience Measure (PREM) which is administered by Cemplicity and known as the YES PHN Survey.

The survey was introduced in late 2023 to reduce the burden of reporting for our Commissioned Services. As part of the PHN's commitment, a health provider is regularly recognised for their efforts in obtaining the highest amount of survey responses.

The PHN is excited to announce that in December 2023, Hunter Primary Care (HPC) achieved the highest number of survey responses.

PHN Commissioning Coordinators, Stuart and Hannah recently hosted a morning tea with the HPC team to recognise this achievement. Networking with the HPC team, they learned more about their broad range of programs, and celebrated the work they have undertaken in promoting the PHN YES Survey.

HPC achieved this outstanding result through embedding the QR code into their workflow and providing multiple opportunities for clients to access the survey.

They included the survey QR code on their clients' consultation notes for their GP Access Program, and also shared the QR code with clients on business cards and through laminated posters displayed throughout their organisation.

The PHN congratulates HPC for their enthusiasm and hard work, and for taking the initiative to embed the survey into their work processes in more ways than one!

HPC have received positive feedback from clients about their services, have gained a better understanding of their personal journeys and are experiencing the real benefits of the PHN YES Survey for their organisation.

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