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Research Opportunity: Promoting Oral Healthcare among women in Perimenopause/menopause

The broad aim of the study is to explore the oral health knowledge, attitude, and practices of women in perimenopause/menopause and the role of healthcare providers such as General Practitioners and Practice Nurses to inform strategies for oral health promotion in Australia.

Women are at higher risk of developing oral health problems during menopause. Studies have shown that healthcare providers can play a key role in addressing the oral health needs of women in perimenopause or menopause.

However, very little is known about the current perceptions and practices of healthcare providers like General practitioners/Practice nurses for the management of oral health for women in perimenopause/menopause.

Providing appropriate assistance during the early period of the menopausal transition could potentially reduce the prevalence of oral health problems in the perimenopausal/menopausal period and improve overall well-being in the later years.

General practitioners and practice nurses have been identified as key healthcare providers who could play a key role in promoting oral health across other phases of women’s life.

Researchers from the Australian Centre for Integration of Oral Health (ACIOH), Western Sydney university invite you to participate in their study.

Participation will involve a 20–30-minute interview. The interview will be conducted at a convenient time for you using either phone, online platforms like zoom, or face-to-face. The information you provide will help us identify future strategies and services that could improve oral healthcare for women in perimenopause or menopause.

GPs and Practice Nurses who would like to participate in an interview may click here to express interest.

For further information refer to the research flyer or the project information statement.

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General Practitioner Nurse

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