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Research Opportunity: Using technology to assess cognitive impairment in middle-aged and older adults - Opinions, preferences and experiences of Australian clinicians

Monash University researchers at the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, are seeking practitioners working with middle-aged and older adults to better understand the role of telehealth in cognitive assessment.

They are seeking clinicians (doctors, GPs, psychologists, allied health, nursing, and medical specialists) who have experience in the use of telehealth with middle-aged to older adults and/or the provision of cognitive assessment with this demographic. Cognitive assessment experience can include completion of screening measures such as the MMSE to administration of neuropsychological assessments.

Participation involves the completion of a short (10 minute) survey.

It is hoped that the results of this study will help us to better understand the barriers and facilitators impacting the use of remote cognitive assessment with middle-aged to older adults, and may be used to inform the development of a digital cognitive assessment platform.

For more information, including a full description of the project, or to participate in the survey, please click here

If you have any questions about this research project please contact the research team at

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